

Centered on trust, curiosity, and insight, I coach individuals from all walks of life seeking to make tangible progress at home, in the office, and beyond.

Drawing from a Trauma-Informed Perspective

Trauma is not confined to catastrophic events or experiences, it is ubiquitous.

"Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside of you, as a result of what happened to you. " - Gabor Mate

As a trained coach, I cultivate hope and growth despite adversity.

Facilitating Meaningful Transformation

All humans face a myriad of challenges in our workplaces, relationships, and personal lives. I partner with you to seek out strategies to help you move forward toward your goals.

Inspiring Real Results

By holding a safe, judgment-free space where you can tap into your inner resources and discover a more authentic version of yourself, I inspire transformative change and goal achievement. I see possibilities in people that others don’t see and I can help you live into the possibilities in yourself. 

What is included in 1:1 Coaching?

Our coaching relationship will include weekly or bi-weekly 60-minute sessions, private access to me between-sessions, and customized recommendations for homework assignments, books, articles, affirmations, and other resources. A coaching relationship requires us both to invest time, energy and finances. Let's work together to find what works best at this point in your journey!

Schedule Your Discovery Call

Are you ready to feel seen, be heard, and establish newfound self-awareness in a setting centered on compassion and inclusion? I offer a no-cost 30-minute discovery call during which we can discuss your responses to the brief questionnaire (in the calendar scheduling link) and/or a topic of your choosing in order to determine best next steps.

I invite you to schedule a no-cost 30-minute discovery call today.

contact me

“I wouldn’t be where I’m at now if it weren’t for your influence and support. I like to think I would have gotten here eventually but it would have been a much different path, one lacking this much learning, adventure, encouragement, and laughter. “

Rianna K.

“I would like to thank you for your mentorship and faith in my abilities.   You not only taught me a lot but you challenged me to think differently and grow. “

Debbie H.

“From day one you’ve made giving Edu a voice a priority, something that’s been attempted a lot during my time here, but it’s the first time that it was really successful!”

Meghan L.

"At the time I worked with Lisa, I was going through a lot of changes in my life. My husband and I were selling a business and starting two new ones; we had just moved to a new city; and it was still the middle of a pandemic. My brain was spinning in so many directions it was hard to focus enough to get anything done and harder still to get to sleep. Working with Lisa was like finding a port on a stormy sea. We talked about more than just what was in front of me, and she helped me recognize the pockets of peace that were already there for me to access. Lisa has a presence that is calm, supportive, and very organized. She provided a beautiful balance between exploration and direction at a time when I really needed it, and she helped me find my own calm center when I didn't realize it was there."

Kris Q.

"Lisa is a deeply compassionate, insightful, and thoughtful coach. I connected with her at a pivotal stage in my journey, when I felt confused, scattered, and unsure. Her curiosity and seamless integration of techniques involving the mind, body, and spirit helped to create an incredibly expansive container for me to explore and feel supported in the depths my confusion without getting overwhelmed. Further, her unwavering trust in me and her gentle invitations to reconnect to my own inner wisdom created an unbelievably empowering experience that ultimately allowed me to see a much bigger picture and avoid getting lost in what I thought was the "problem." Our time together was transformative: what I once thought of as adversity I now see as part of my purpose and unique strength as a leader. I am so lucky to have connected with Lisa, and highly recommend working with her!!"

Emma B.


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Your progress is an ongoing process of self-awareness. By subscribing to my newsletter, you’ll receive helpful resources and notes of encouragement designed to aid your journey. I invite you to subscribe today.

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